0){$page="view";} elseif($_GET['search'] > 0){$page="search";} $_SESSION[board] = "Welcome to the Yost notes and queries"; $_SESSION[promo] = "Place your notes, queries and other information you would like to share here!"; $_SESSION[group] = "yost"; $_SESSION[color] = "#C1D6FF"; switch($page){ /////////////////////////////////////////////////// default: menu(); showme($postid,$_SESSION[group],$_SESSION[color]); break; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////// case response: menu(); rapidresponse($_GET[read]); break; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////// case preview: menu(); if(empty($_POST['name'])){ $PE = '1'; $error++;} if($_POST['location']==''){ $LE = '1'; $error++;} if(empty($_POST['subject'])){ $TE = '1'; $error++;} if(empty($_POST['message'])){ $BE = '1'; $error++;} $delink = str_replace("http://","",$_POST[link]); if(!empty($delink) OR !empty($_POST['linkname'])){ if($delink AND $_POST['linkname']){ }else{ $UE = '1'; $error++;} } $_SESSION[add] = array('poster' => $_POST[name], 'hometown' => $_POST[location], 'title' => $_POST[subject], 'blog' => $_POST['message'], 'url' => $_POST[link], 'urlname' => $_POST[linkname], 'parent' => $_POST[previous], 'group' => $_POST[area], 'PE' => $PE, 'LE' => $LE, 'TE' => $TE, 'BE' => $BE, 'UE' => $UE); if($error > 0){echo '
There were problems with your form submission.' .'
each item marked in red below must be filled out
'; rapidresponse($_SESSION[add]);} else{ showpreview($_SESSION[add]);} break; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////// case changes: menu(); rapidresponse($_SESSION[add]); break; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////// case submit: menu(); if(empty($_POST[name])){ $PE = '1'; $error++;} if($_POST[location]==''){ $LE = '1'; $error++;} if(empty($_POST[subject])){ $TE = '1'; $error++;} if(empty($_POST[message])){ $BE = '1'; $error++;} $delink = str_replace("http://","",$_POST[link]); if(!empty($delink) OR !empty($_POST[linkname])){ if($delink AND $_POST[linkname]){ }else{ $UE = '1'; $error++;} } $ipisme = ''; $ipisme = ( !empty($HTTP_SERVER_VARS['REMOTE_ADDR']) ) ?$HTTP_SERVER_VARS['REMOTE_ADDR'] : ( ( !empty($HTTP_ENV_VARS['REMOTE_ADDR']) )? $HTTP_ENV_VARS['REMOTE_ADDR'] : $REMOTE_ADDR ); $_SESSION['ipisme'] = "$ipisme"; $_SESSION[postdate] = date("l F jS, Y \a\\t h:i a"); $_SESSION[add] = array('poster' => $_POST[name], 'hometown' => $_POST[location], 'title' => $_POST[subject], 'blog' => $_POST['message'], 'url' => $_POST[link], 'urlname' => $_POST[linkname], 'parent' => $_POST[previous], 'group' => $_POST[area], 'PE' => $PE, 'LE' => $LE, 'TE' => $TE, 'BE' => $BE, 'UE' => $UE); if($error > 0){echo '
There were problems with your form submission.' .'
each item marked in red below must be filled out
'; rapidresponse($_SESSION[add]);} else{ $messageid = postit($_SESSION[add],$_SESSION[group]);} if($messageid){ echo '

Thank you!

'; echo '

Your message has been posted below:

'; showmessage($messageid,$_SESSION[group]); } break; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////// case search: menu(); echo '

Search features are coming soon!'; echo '

Search by topic, poster, country and date
'; break; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////// case view: menu(); $postid = trim($_GET['read']); $postid = striptease($postid); showmessage($postid,$_SESSION[group]); $subject = 'Re: '; $subject .= gettitle($postid,$_SESSION[group]); $_SESSION[add] = array('parent' => $postid, 'title' => $subject); rapidresponse($_SESSION[add]); break; //////////////////////////////////////////////////// } include ('subparts/afooter.txt'); ?>